Saas and in-house solution to integrate Digital Identity Wallets in applications
[ Beta release, not for production project ]

Comply with EU frameworks as ARF (EUDI wallet), EBSI, GAIA-X
Fast and simple
Install and configure a verifier in a few hours, setup an issuer in a couple of days. Integration with NodeJS, Python, Go, Ruby, PHP, C, C++, Keycloak, Wordpress, Webflow,...
Open source or custom integration
Download the source code or ask us support for customization and integration.
In house or remote issuers and verifiers
Decentralized solutions need in-house issuers and verifiers but use our free remote issuers and verifiers for a POC.
W3C JWT, SD-JWT and JSON-LD VC/VP formats
Support VCs and VPs in both format with P-256, Secp256k1 and Ed25519 keys. Accepts identifiers did:key, did:web: did:ethr, did:pkh, did:tz, did:ebsi, Thumbprint, cnf...
OIDC4VCI pre authorized code flow and authorization code flow
Easy to integrate in all applications through QR code or deeplinks and universal links.
SIOPV2 and OIDC4VP support
Secure authentication protocol and presentation exchange between parties.
Multiple VC and deferred issuance
Advanced feature to allow the issuance of multiplce VCs of the same type and to allow VC providers to delay the issuance of their credentials
Presentation Exchange 2.0
For real use cases with complex requests. Submission requirements with rules as pick, all, count, min...from groups. Filter type array.
VC Revocation and supension management
Support of statusList and token list standard