Issuer examples for OIDC4VCI tests
Here is a list of tests for the natural person wallet
Test #1 Draft 10, wallet profile EBSI V3 (jwt_vc)
VerifiablDiploma, pre authorized code
Test #2 Draft 11, ldp_vc (Default)
User PIN 4444, pre authorized code
Test #3 Draft 11, ldp_vc (Default)
VerifiablId, EmailPass, Over18 pre authorized code
Test #4 DIIP V 2.1
EmailPass, VerifiableId, Over18, DBCGuest pre authorization code flow
Test #5 Draft 13 with ldp_vc
pre authorized code, VerifiableId
Test #6 DIIP V2.1
Deferred VC
Test #7 Draft 13, format jwt_vc_json-ld
EmailPass, PhoneProof
Test #8 DIIP V3
Employee Badge, pre authotrized code flow
Test #9 DIIP V3.0
PID from authorization code flow
Test #10 DIIP V 3.0
PID , pre authorize code flow
Test #11 HAIP
PID authorization code flow
Test #12 HAIP
PID and IdentityCredental VC through authorization code flow
Test #13 DIIP V3
PID , IdentityCredential, EUDIPID, PIN code ABCD
Here is a list of tests for the organizational wallet